Anu Kaushal Manhotra gets published with the House of Bestsellers ”Rupa Publications”


    Hoshiarpur, jangatha times: (Ravinder)

    Rupa Publications India launches Anu Kaushal Manhotra’s new book, titled “Winning at Work” Unleashing the power of Confidence and Self-Discipline. It features 21 chapters and comes with a range of resources that can help students, young and seasoned professionals, corporate trainers and Leadership Coaches to win at work and also in life.

    This title is practical, highly-educational and inspiring. Some of the topics covered in the book include How to Brand Yourself, How to Power Dress & How to set Goals.
    The book is available for purchase on all major online platforms like Amazon, flipkart and also at all the major bookstores and airports in India and abroad.
    This book was launched on 10th April 2021 and is available worldwide. According to the author,few new concepts introduced in this book ,like EPL can help Leaders and businesses become visible and successful even during the tough times.
    In a recent interview, Anu stated, “Winning at Work has a clear purpose to help students , professionals and corporate trainers, who would like to win at work and move ahead the Corporate ladder.” This is the third book that Anu has authored, but there is particular excitement about this launch because it is published by the house of bestsellers, Rupa Publications India.And another special reason she mentions is that, she feels this book is very significant because she conceived the idea, inscribed it , got her work selected by Rupa publications and even got the chance to launch the book here in Hoshiarpur her birthplace .

    She also stated that even though “ Hoshiarpur “ is her favorite place and her birth place she never had a chance to live and dwell here as she was brought up in various parts of India because her father was in Indian Air force and hence the entire family had to travel PAN India.However now during the launch of her book in Hoshiarpur she is both excited and emotional. She is also meeting students and young professionals and giving them tips to be a winner not just at work but also to be a winner in life.

    To meet her in person and get an autographed book, you may take an appointment by sending an email to her at


    1. It will be great to meet Anu Manhotra Ma’am and get her book .
      Thank you Ma’am you are a genius and entire Hoshiarpur is proud of you!!


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